Founded in January of 1996.
Club Motto: " Special friendships through multiple blessings "
Club Flower: Daisy
Club Colors: White and Gold
Club Logo: Hands holding daisies

The objective of the organization shall be to promote interest in and supply information on, for, and about twins and other multiple births. It shall concern itself with civic problems and projects for betterment of the community and the country. It shall help families with multiple births or those of multiple births who are in need. This club is to provide mutual support, community involvement and information to mothers or guardians who have multiple births.

Club Prayer

Heavenly father, we thank thee for bringing us together under one common bond. May we never be hasty in judgement, but always be generous and face each day without prejudice. Teach us to be kind, gentle, and forgiving, that we may lead our flock in the way of thy light. We who are chosen to be twice and thrice blessed beseech Thee to protect and guide us. Amen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Upcoming Events

October 16th-Fall Party 4pm to 6pm at Avon Town Hall

October 20th-Business Meeting starts at 6:30pm Program:American Red Cross

November 17th-Business Meeting starts at 6:30pm Program:Paul Smith on Marriage

December 4th-Kid's Christmas Party at 10am (contact for details)

December 10th-Mom's Christmas Party (contact for details)

January 19th-Business Meeting starts at 6:30pm

February 16th-Business Meeting starts at 6:30pm

March 16th-Business Meeeting starts at 6:30pm

April (TBA)-Spring Banquet

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